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Iran says US, Israel, incapable of threatening country

08 December 2012 [14:40] - TODAY.AZ
Referring to capture of US ScanEagle drone by IRGC Navy, IRI Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said here Friday that this proves that US and Israel are incapable of threatening Iran, FNA reported.

According to IRNA, Mehmanparast made the comment in a meeting with top Pakistani media editors Friday evening at the Iranian Embassy in Islamabad, adding, 'Our country's defense capabilities are today at a level that we can effectively guard our entire borders taking advantage of our indigenous capabilities.'

He emphasized, 'Violating the airspace of Iran would be recorded at international organizations and institutes as breaching the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.'

Mehmanparast announced Iran's readiness for cooperation with the regional countries to ensure regional security, adding, 'Regional cooperation and proximity strategy is the most effective measure for solving the regional crises and restoring security and stability in the region.'

Focusing on the objectives of the Friday visit of Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari of Tehran next Friday, he said, 'Holding meetings at heads of states is definitely the sign of improving cooperation between countries.'

Mehmanparast added, 'During President Zardari's visit of Tehran and the meetings between the top officials of the two countries serious decisions would be made that would naturally have good results on bilateral interactions in various fields, particularly in economic and political fields.'

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman further reiterated, 'President Zardari's visit of Iran is in response to the Islamic Republic of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's December 28th, 2011 visit of Pakistan to participate at the D8 Summit, in which articles of an agreement to finalize the Iran-Pakistan natural gas will be finalized.'

The Iranian diplomat said that Iran's donation of financial credit to Pakistan for completion of the Pakistan side of the pipeline, whose Iran side has already been completed is another objective of President Zardari's next Friday visit.

He added, 'The Iranian side is ready for offering facilities for completion of this infrastructure project, while the Pakistani side is asking for a US $500 million credit.'

Mehmanparast expressed hope that the construction phase of this project, also known as the Peace Pipeline, would finish soon and transfer of Iran's natural gas would meet a part of Pakistan's need to energy.'

The Foreign Ministry spokesman added, 'Economic cooperation in the field of importing wheat from Pakistan continues and Iran, too, continues exporting electricity to Pakistan.'

On continuation of Iran-G5+1 talks, Mehmanparast said, 'The Islamic Republic of Iran is interested in continuation of these talks and welcomes adoption of a logical approach aimed at reaching compromise between the two sides.'


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